Think in my terms
Its very Hot, wanna have Mango Juice, so what do I need to do
1. I know about Mango and its very juicy.
2. I know about a juicer which is very handy.
Use 1 and 2 together, use juicer for making juice and put mango for making mango juice.
Similarly, I want to be adaptive to changes while building a software using Rational Unified Process, so what I need to do
1. I know about Rational Unified Process, its lifecycle, its disciplines.
2. I also know about Agile Software Development and its principles.
Can I use them together ????
This was the thought that lead to my topic for the discussion and then the search begins.
Here, I am presenting what I understood as "Ways in which RUP can be made mor AGILE"
Google Videos Link for my screencast : Ways To make Unified Process more AGILE"
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